Pipeline Validation | BGAG
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Pipeline Validation

The accuracy and trustworthiness of your sales pipeline is crucial to business planning and resourcing, often being the primary justification for further investment rounds and funding initiatives. 

The younger a company is, the more damaging a poorly weighted and untrustworthy sales forecast can be, particularly where inventory and / or service personnel represent an upfront cost that needs to be invested far in advance of invoicing the client .


The bravery, optimism and passion that are the hallmarks of a great entrepreneur are also traits that can result in self-deluding revenue forecasts or unrealistically truncated sales cycles. When a company has grown sufficiently to employ dedicated sales people the necessity for experienced sales management is even more acute. 

Pipeline validation and sales qualification often require difficult and uncomfortable conversations which are made even more embarrassing within a small team of friends and close colleagues.

TIAS has partnered with The Sales Academy to offer Pipeline Validation as a service, where an experienced external sales manager can ask those difficult questions and deliver powerful, dispassionate insights into both the validity of each opportunity and the realistic timeline of closure without damaging the camaraderie and loyalty of a dedicated founding team.

The Sales Academy also provides pipeline validation as part of the commercial due diligence services provided by The Technology Investors Advisory Service 

Contact us today to find out more

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